SA-2000 Hand Held Safety Analyzer Series
BC Group has a complete
family of Hand Held Safety Analyzers to meet any of your testing
needs. There are 5 models ranging from a basic unit to a 10 Lead
unit with ECG Simulation built-in.
BC Group recently added the
RS-232 option for communication to any of the 5 models. The
communication port will allow the user to control the Safety
Analyzer remotely or download information from the analyzer to your
software. The addition of RS-232 does not increase the size, it is
still comes in the same convenient Hand Held package.
Are you using your Safety
Analyzer somewhere that requires a different power cord
configuration? Check out our International version of the SA-2000
Soft carrying
case included with all models!
SA-2000 Safety Analyzer Series
SA-2010S Safety Analyzer
Data Sheet