BC Group Service Center

Traceability Statement used in our Calibration Certificates:

"This instrument, unless otherwise stated, was calibrated using standards and procedures which are traceable to the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST), formerly referred to as the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), or have been derived from values of physical constants, or have been derived by ratio/self-calibration techniques. Evidence of traceability is on file at our Service Center. All work performed in our Service Center is compliant with ANSI Z-540 unless stated otherwise.

Our liability for service work performed or for equipment sold is outlined in our Statement of Limited Warranty, which is available on request. No other warranties are expressed or implied. This Certificate may not be reproduced except in full, and only with the written consent of BC Group."

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A note to our International customers:

 Many of our customers from outside the U.S. have quality requirements for "As Found" and "As Left" data. Be aware that this data is not recorded and is not provided unless the customer specifies this requirement in advance.

Muchos de nuestros clientes de fuera de los EE.UU. tiene los requisitos de la calidad para "Encontró Como" y "Como Izquierdo" los datos. Esté enterado que estes datos no se registran y no son proporcionados a menos que el cliente especificado este requisito por adelantado.

Beaucoup de nos clients d'hors des Etats - Unis a les conditions de qualité pour "Comme Fonde" et "Comme Part" les données. Etre conscient que ces données ne sont pas enregistrées et ne sont pas fournies à moins que le client spécifie cette condition en avance.

Viele von unseren Kunden hat von außerhalb DER USA Qualität Bedingungen für "Während Gefunden" und "Während Verläßt" Daten. Seien Sie bewußt, daß diese Daten nicht aufgezeichnet werden, und wird nicht versorgt es sei denn der Kunde gibt diese Bedingung im Voraus an.

Molti dei nostri clienti da fuori degli Stati Uniti ha i requisiti di qualità per "Come Trovato" e "Come Sinistro" i dati. Essere consapevole che questi dati non è registrato e non è fornito a meno che il cliente specifica questo requisito anticipatamente.

Muitos de nossos fregueses de fora do E.U.A. tem requisitos de qualidade para "Como Achado" e "Como Esquerda" dados. Esteja ciente que este dados nao é registrado e nao é proporcionado a menos que o freguês especifica este requisito em avanço.

We hope we've achieved accurate translations of the first paragraph above, shown in English. Our apologies for any errors in the translations.

Sending an item to our Service Center? Click here to fill in a form to help us more efficiently serve you. This is required for non-U.S. based customers. We encourage international customers to contact us in advance for a Return Authorization.

Click here to check on the status of in-work items in our Service Center.

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