Attention Covidien/Valleylab
Force Triad Generator Owners!!

If you recently attended a
Covidien/Valleylab sponsored Force Triad Generator Service School,
or if you are looking for details and specifics on what test
equipment will be required to fully support, diagnose, and calibrate
your Force Triad generators, then this dedicated web resource page
is for you. BC Group International, Inc, has spent literally
thousands of man-hours working closely with Covidien/Valleylab
engineers, technical support specialists, service technicians,
manufacturing and operations personnel, etc. in the development of
the ESU-2050 Electrosurgery Analyzer platform. The ESU-2050 has
been designed to be a direct replacement for the legacy Fluke
Electronics Model 8920A Wide Band Digital Voltmeter, which was
adopted over twenty years ago as the measurement standard in the
industry by electrosurgery generator manufacturers. Today, with the
ongoing widespread adoption of the BC Biomedical ESU-2050 as a
replacement platform for the 8920A, customers such as yourself can
finally use the exact same test equipment platform that is being
used by the manufacturer in the troubleshooting, service and
calibration of their electrosurgery generators. This is exactly the
situation with the Covidien/Valleylab Force Triad generator
platform. Unlike your Model 454A, RF303, QA-ES or other legacy ESU
Analyzers, the ESU-2050 is a 1% of Reading calibration quality
instrument. It is so accurate that it has been adopted by
manufacturers such as Covidien/Valleylab on a worldwide basis for
their internal use. It is effectively becoming the new standard for
test and measurement where ESU Analyzers are concerned.

Why will the ESU-2050 work so
well with the Force Triad generator while other analyzers fail to
meet the requirements? It's because the ESU-2050 has been
specifically designed to meet the challenging test and measurement
criteria for Covidien/Valleylab's premier generator platform. No
other ESU Analyzer on the market today can offer 1% of Reading
Calibration-Level Accuracy like the ESU-2050 can. Specific to the
calibration of the Force Triad generator, here are just a few
criteria that completely set the ESU-2050 aside from ALL other
commercially available ESU Analyzers:
The ESU-2050 meets the
rigorous 5,500 ma RF current measurement calibration step that
is critical to the successful calibration of the Force Triad
generator, and it does so at 1% of Reading accuracy as specified
in all Covidien/Valleylab calibration procedure documentation.
NO other ESU Analyzer will work here. Typically, other
analyzers peak out at a maximum current range of 2,220 ma RF. (See
important notation at the bottom of this page)
The ESU-2050 meets the
rigorous challenge of the "0-Ohm Loop Test" that is an integral
part of the Force Triad generator calibration procedure, and it
does so at 1% of Reading accuracy as specified in all Covidien/Valleylab
calibration procedure documentation. (See important notation
at the bottom of this page)
The ESU-2050 utilizes the
exact same external wide band current transformer (BC Part #
BC20-00231) and Vishay-Dale NH-250 Series Precision
Non-Inductive external load resistors (available from BC Group
International, Inc.) as are used by Covidien/Valleylab
facilities all over the world, including at their Boulder, CO
factory. Covidien/Valleylab generator specifications
and performance tests, calibration procedures, etc. were written
around the utilization of the very same elements that are used
in a functional ESU-2050 testing system. NO other ESU Analyzer
can offer this.
If you recently attended a
Force Triad generator service school, then you most likely have
already used our ESU-2050 Analyzer. As such, you are well ahead of
the learning curve when it comes to knowing what to do as the need
arises with your Force Triad generators. To make it even easier on
you, we have supplied the necessary information below, for equipping
yourself with exactly what you used at the Covidien/Valleylab
service training school for your Force Triad generators.

Here's what you need to
(prices listed are domestic USA prices)
ESU-2050 Electrosurgery
Analyzer: $ 4495
BC20-00231 Pearson
Electronics Wide Band Current Transformer, 0.1:1 Ratio: $ 515 ($
630 if a calibration certificate is required for your files)
BC20-00256 Force Triad
Calibration Resistor Set (Vishay Dale NH-250 Resistors): $ 895 ($
1135 if a calibration certificate for each resistor is required for
your files)
BC20-00240 Power Resistor
Banana Jack Adapters: $ 18 per set (pair)... a great accessory for
your external load resistors!
CQM-2000 REM/ARM Monitor Test
Module: $ 295
Special Offer:
Place your order with us within
45 days of your attendance at a Covidien Force Triad service school
and list the "Force Triad Web Offer 2009-08" on your PO, and get
the CQM-2000 REM/ARM Test Module at NO COST to you. Be sure to send
a copy of your dated school attendance certificate along with your
PO to validate your attendance, and this offer.
As an alternate to the complete
resistor kit, we also offer individual Vishay Dale NH-250 resistors
for your purchase, at a cost of $ 75 to $ 80 each. A complete
listing of these can be found at the link below on our website:
Vishay Dale NH-250 Load Resistors
If you have other generators to
maintain and service/calibrate, and you need additional external
load resistors, you may want to download our External Load Resistor
Reference Guide at the link below and see what else we have
available for you:
Excel Version
PDF Format
If your generator fleet also
includes generators with "pulsed outputs" such as the Conmed System
5000, certain Erbe ViO generators, etc., then you may want to
consider our ESU-2050P ESU Analyzer with pulsed output
compatibility, which sells for $ 4895. For additional
information on the ESU-2050P, please e-mail us at
Other useful references
(web links):
ESU-2000 Series Product Overview White Paper
ESU-2000 Series Competitive Product Comparison
Certain field firmware updates
for the Covidien/Valleylab generator platform have mandated a
complete re-calibration of the generator BEFORE it can be used for
surgical purposes following the update. There are sure to be more
of these in the future. Also, following the replacement of several
key generator sub-assemblies, including certain PC boards, a
complete re-calibration of the Force Triad generator is either
required or is strongly recommended by Covidien/Valleylab. As a
Covidien/Valleylab Service Training Seminar student, one of the
vital things that you learned at the school is that once you start a
calibration procedure on the Force Triad generator, you are 100%
committed to finishing it successfully. If the calibration
procedure is started but not successfully completed, it will result
in the rendering of the Force Triad generator TOTALLY INOPERABLE for
surgical use. Service school attendees that have left their
training sessions and that have tried to shortcut this basic
principle by attempting to calibrate their Force Triad generators
with ESU Analyzers such as the QA-ES, 454A, RF303, DALE3000, 402A,
RF302, etc., have all found out the hard way that this is the
reality of the situation. As you were told at the Covidien/Valleylab
Service Training School that you recently attended, no other ESU
Analyzer on today's market can be used to successfully complete the
calibration of the Covidien/Force Triad generator! That's why
Covidien/Valleylab uses the ESU-2050 exclusively, and why they
trained you as a student with it!
If you would
like to attend a BC Group formal presentation on 5th Generation ESU
Analyzer Technology, please check our
News entries for a schedule of future presentations, or e-mail
us at
for a schedule. Check our website at for
information on all of our products and services.
If you
have any questions and would like to speak with our ESU-2050
Product Manager, who has attended multiple Covidien/Valleylab
Service Training Schools, and who has worked very closely with
Covidien over the past several years on the ESU-2050 development,
please e-mail your questions to